Sunday, May 18, 2014

The meaning behind the symbol

Some of you have asked me what the image on the banner of this blog means. The truth is that I see it more as a symbol rather than just an image or a drawing. But let's start at the beginning.

One of the main themes in my novel 'Wielding Crimson' is complementarity and synergy. defines complementarity as: "A relationship or situation in which two or more different things improve or emphasize each other’s qualities", while synergy is defined as: "The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects".

In my story I take this further, examining the relationship between two complementary, even opposite, forces whose qualities are improved by each other when they unite, working in synergy. Thus, "the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts", to quote Aristotle.

Wanting to capture this notion, which is such an important theme in the book, I began creating what would later become a symbol for my story; the form of a man and a woman, woven in a circular shape, where one continues the other (much in the sense of an ouroboros). The colors of each form reflect those of the sun and moon, another prominent theme in the story. 

I can't reveal more about it, unfortunately, without revealing too much about the story, but I hope I have quenched your curiosity!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

New Excerpt - Layla

It's been a while since I last updated my blog, but fear not, I have been hard at work. The first book of the Wielding Series is now complete, and awaits only a few small tweaks and a little polishing. I have already begun writing the first draft of the second book and I am beginning to feel the excitement as I realize that my first book will soon hit the shelves.

In celebration, I decided to post another excerpt today, one concerning Layla, the mysterious girl who has been foretold to be Philip's destruction. Enjoy!

Layla found herself in the midst of a crowd of people again and suddenly Agnes’ hand let go of hers and she lost her. The music was booming in her ears and she could feel the vibrations of the speakers in her chest. Trying not to look anyone in the eye for fear of them hounding her again, she strained her eyes to find her friend. Instead, they caught someone else’s, and the second their pupils met, she felt her hairs stand on end and goose bumps erupt on her skin. All sound muted as her breath caught in her chest and a warm feeling spread around inside her, as if she had swallowed a shot of vodka on a freezing day.[...]

         The eyes were a warm reddish brown color with long lashes, staring back at her from in between bodies dancing and club lights shining different colors. They belonged to a man’s face with an intense gaze, a strong, slightly crooked nose, angular jaw and full lips, framed by short and messy brown hair.