Thursday, September 4, 2014

Review from Readers' Favorite

Just a few days ago (it seems like yesterday!) I got my first review for Wielding Crimson from the I thought it would be a while before I got another one, but I've noticed a definite spurt in action where my novel is concerned! More and more people have shown interest, the sales have gone up at an impressive rate and I got a second review from the acclaimed book review website, Readers' Favorite!

The reviewer, Melinda Hills, gave Wielding Crimson 4 stars! Here is her wonderful review:

"Layla is a world-class star, but is tired of the domineering style of her manager. When she has the chance to take a Greek island vacation, she eagerly agrees and is drawn into a strange world in which she plays a part she knows nothing about. Wielding Crimson, Book I of the Wielding Series by D.M. Enslin delves into the world of Wielders, special beings able to control natural phenomena like wind, water, and even the functions of the human body. Layla is thrust into the middle of an on-going war between two factions and experiences things for which there is no earthly explanation. Falling in love with a Wielder is not a good choice, but that is when things get really crazy! Will Layla survive the battle between good and evil, and does she even know which side she is on? All she wanted was a little freedom to be a ‘normal’ person, but she has ended up living a nightmare from which she may not wake up.

Wielding Crimson by D.M. Enslin is a fast-paced story that pulls the reader into the whirlwind in which Layla finds herself. With plenty of realistic action mixed in with absolutely fantastic superhuman abilities, the story hits the highs and lows of love, loss, hope and despair. Intense emotions and intriguing legends drive the characters, each with his or her own agenda. The surprise ending is the perfect lead into Book 2 of the Wielding Series, which continues the saga of Layla and the Wielders who are trying to restore the balance of the universe."

You can also check it out on the Readers' Favorite website here.

Find Wielding Crimson on Amazon at a new lower price, and soon to appear on the shelves of Barnes and Noble!